The most significant changes are:
* A "verbose" option has been added to the replication configuration to log detailed information about asynchronous replication operation. RS-70819.
* LDAP error diagnostics have been improved.
* The stability of gfix is improved. RS-71591.
* DefaultDbCachePages default value increased to 1024 for Classic/SuperClassic and to 32768 for Super RS-69307
* Now you do not have to specify option -B O[VERWRITE] in gbak when backing up to FIFO RS-43334
* Temporary tables file is now deleted immediately after closing connections which used temporary tables RS-67781
* Maximum length of ISQL error text increased to 8192 characters. RS-71232.
* Default length of context variables is increased to 8192 characters. RS-71426.
* Ability to connect to ActiveDirectory with an "as is" user name (bind method) without using a service account (LDAPUserDn). RS-71303.
* New LDAPDomain parameter in firebird.conf that allows setting the domain for user authentication in ActiveDirectory and the base for user lookups. RS-71303.
* GSTAT outputs the transaction difference, which determines whether garbage collection is needed RS-56624
* "rotate_log" parameter in trace to rotate log when it reaches "max_log_size" RS-66090
* Support for locking users in Legacy Authentication RS-67826 Note: security database update from previous versions 3.0 with security_database_3.0.9.sql script
* Ability to change COLLATE for "ALTER TABLE